Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Arizona: First State Line Crossing

Today we rode what will probably gto down as one of our most challenging days of the tour.  Leaving Blythe, we crossed the Colorado River into Arizona.  The high temperature "cooled" to 100 degrees.  Soon after crossing into AZ, the desert took on a different look.  There were more visible signs of flowering as well as the tall, iconic cactus growing everywhere.  As in California, the skies were virtually cloudless.

                     Colorado River

When we finally got off I-10 onto State Route 60, it was a welcome change.  I rode about 30 miles by myself on this road.  There was very little traffic.  I was surrounded by the "living desert" and the mountains lining every direction that I could see.  It was a serene moment that lent itself well to reflection.

The climbing resumed and it caused us to once again form a pace line.  We had about 8 riders in our pace line. While there are definite advantages to being able to draft from the front riders, you do need to focus because you need to be "on the wheel" of the bike in front of you.  Another pace line group today experienced an accident when one rider hit the rear wheel of the bike in front of him, causing minor injuries and bike damage.

Pace line taking a break (me in front).  No, we're not wearing uniforms; white clothing provides the best sun protection and everybody, apparently, knows it.

On the way to Wickenburg

Taking no chances

Total miles: 116.  Total vertical climb: 4000 ft.


  1. Mike,
    Quite the uniform you are wearing. I can't figure if you're 3/4 ghost or a member of the Ghostbusters. Glad to see you are slathered in sunblock and that the sights have been worth the ride- flying road debris and barren desert. Oh well, at least the Marilyn Monroe sighting picked up the spirits. So nice you could meet up with Brian & Janice. Have a good ride today. Stay hydrated, pace yourself, be safe and keep that speed in check on the downhills (all that advice coming from the expert I'm not). Love you, Diana

  2. Mike, I follow your blog every day. you are such an inspiration to me that i have decided to exercise. just yesterday i actually got up off the sofa and changed my tv manually. can you believe it? have a good day. your pal steve

  3. Lookin' great dad! "Cooled" down to 100 degrees...I can barely stand lying on the beach with a cold drink in my hand at that temperature! I hope you're reaping the benefits of the pace line, considering you're leading the pack in your picture.
    I think I was having problems with my laptop and downloading your blog because it wasn't letting me post comments, and it wasn't updating from the Sunday posting. I'm at the good ol' Olson library right now and it's so exciting to see all the updates! Actually, I just rode my bike up here :) Love you much, can't wait to hear more!

  4. Mike: I got a real sense of the heat, reading that you went through 200 ounces of fluids. Having ridden with you, and being surprised at how much less hydration you require than me, I can only imagine how much I would have gone through.

    Not sure if your braver riding on I-10 in 100+ temps, or posting the picture with the sun block on.

    Thanks for the details and great descriptions. I am really enjoying following you.
