Thursday, May 24, 2012

Arriving In Albuquerque

The wind gods were smiling on us again today, coming from the west and blowing a solid 20-25 mph.  The first 30 miles were on Route 66 and the riding was spectacular.  Gorgeous weather, magnificent scenery and minimal traffic.

Early morning on Route 66

As we moved toward A-Town, the mesas started taking on more of a mountainous look with more peaks and fewer plateaus.

After a tough 5 mile climb through a construction zone no less,  I started my descent into Albuquerque and what a descent it was, reaching a top speed of 41.5 mph.  I found myself crossing the Rio Grande in no time.

Today was a special day and I had every reason to get to Albuquerque as expeditiously as possible, which I did (78 miles in 4 hours, total time).  Diana had flown into Albuquerque this morning and I actually arrived at the hotel 15 minutes after she checked in!  We took a trip into Old Town and had lunch at a quaint little place then visited the Albuquerque Museum.

Cafe Casa de Ruiz

A couple more looks at Old Town,


One last note, our dear friend, Lori, received great news today on the medical front.  We are relieved and happy.  Put this one in the 'W' column for Lori, Sreve and their family.

Total Miles:   78           Total Vertical Climb:    2600 ft.          


  1. 41.5 mph that's faster than i drive most days :) so happy all is well with Lori. Have fun! Annie

  2. what has been your favorite sight and favorite state you have seen? What was the most interesting roadkill you've seen? love, Joshua

  3. you made it across arizona just in time. not only do we have anything that has fangs, stingers and sharp teeth (and did I tell you about careening cars_oh yes, u know about that one but thousands of acres are on fire. here in lake havasu there is a haze over the city so much so that your eyes burn.would have been awful for your group to have been trying to cross on bikes. seems as though half the state is burning with at least six wild fires. happy you are not coming through now.
    btw, regarding your grants story about our parents, your mother regarded my mother as the "resident expert" on snakes. this being the case because she had visited kentucky once. she told your mother many stories about snakes (and according to her some of out was even true). while yourmother was in the local outhouse my mother (all of 18 yrs old) found some wire and fashioned a coiled snake and set it about 4 yards from said house and pointed the "head" at the door. your mom (already pensive i'm sure) stepped out. mom said her arms went limp and she didn't talk to my mom for two days.
    the three of them thought they would get a job while there in grants until they learned digging up carrots was all that was available. after watching for about 5 seconds they reevaluated and decided they had enough money after all and moved on. your aunt eileen wants u to know the snake was done very artistically.

  4. Hola Miguel, I just don't know why you never look tired in any of the pictures.....very disturbing! Couldn't you at least fake it? Great photos you are taking along the way. Flat tires......I suspect you can now change one in less than 10 seconds with all the practice you have gotten. All the best as you continue your adventure.
    Pat W

  5. Hey Mike, Happy Friday!! Have a great weekend & thanks for the updates. Now if you could fix the Tigers! SZ

  6. Hi Mike,
    You look very happy now that Diana is with you. You're looking very fit and relaxed as well.Sounds like you are really enjoying this great adventure. So happy you are able to cross this one off your bucket list.
    Thanks for all the pics and comments.
    Dave and Pam

  7. havent had internet access for a few days and miss my morning mike updates. wish i owned stock in a tire and tube company. glad diana is out there with you. you both look great . thanks for the kind words about lori. keep the stories coming. stay safe steve

  8. ...and 41.5 mph is 36 knots - not THAT'S a downwind sail!!!

  9. wonderful dear Diana is with you!! the pics of you enjoy all the other pics and look so wonderful mike...wishing you continued safe ya brother..Mary Therese
