Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Aspiring to Albany, NY

This morning, once again under the threat of dark skies and ominous forecasts, we set out for Albany, NY while Diana continued on to Boston, MA.   We had breakfast with some members of the group and Diana had a chance to re-connect with her partner in crime, Michele.

Fixin' to leave

Early morning departure from Little Falls, NY.  For a first, that is me in the foreground.  (Photo courtesy of Tom M.)
On our way to Albany, we traveled through the Mohawk Valley.  It was lush and made even more interesting by the river, train traffic and Adirondacks looming on the horizon.

Traveling through a small town, we encountered an Amish entourage.

Well, our rain luck finally ran out with about 15 miles to go.  It was actually a light rain but it was also a cool day with high temps in the mid 60's.  We pulled into Albany happy too get out of the rain.

The John F. situation weighed on all of us and came up several times during the course of the day.  I received an e-mail from John today in which he stated that he was going to be in the hospital for at least 2-4 weeks and would not be able do any weight bearing activity for 3 months.  Pretty serious stuff.  Diana and I will try to look in on him in Syracuse, NY on our return trip to Michigan.

Total Miles:  71       Total Vertical Climb:  2900 ft.


  1. Looks like you had good roads and scenery, along with some Amish today. Hopefully, you weren't following them; the smell on your tires would be worse than coyote blood.

    On Mapquest, Albany and Boston are on the same page at a fairly close zoom. So, speaking of smells, was that New England Clam Chowder or Mohawk River fish you smelled?

  2. Ah-ha, into the home stretch - ride safely and have a great celebration at the finale.

  3. getting close to the end.i bet you have your new adventure already picked out.say hi to diana and mick. steve

  4. nice picture of you and Diana. It looks like your bike is working OK.I'll be thinking of your grand entrance into Boston. Good Luck

  5. I understand the bike trip has to come to an end. :( - but this can't be the end of the blog. What's next??? You took on flat land with the marathons and then took to the mountains with the climbing. Now you have conquered what Forest Gump did and have crossed the United States. Now what - seriously, I need to have something to do at work! :)

    Great trip Mike, I have enjoyed it all the way.

  6. love the pics of you and dear Diana always : )...cant believe your adventure is coming to a close soon...well what do you expect all of us to do...like live our own life are you kidding brother???am forming a committe to plan your next adventure...but what...its all been done!!!..we will come up with something..Mary Therese
