Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Knockin' Off Niles, OH

When we checked into the hotel in Niles this afternoon, the weather sign on the desk announced that the current temperature was 96 degrees.  On the plus side, it didn't rain today and the winds were mainly favorable, though not true tailwinds.  Climbing was, once again, the order of the day.

I got off to a rough start this morning.  When I came down for breakfast, I put air in my tires as we do every day.  My rear tire valve failed during this process so I had to change the tube.  Rear tires are always more difficult to deal with because of the chain and derailleur.   But no problem, I had time.  So I changed out the tube and had breakfast.

When I came down to start the ride, I discovered that the same tire was very low.  This meant that the tube was defective and would have to be changed yet again.  Now I had very little time.  So I hastily changed the tire again and put the bike back together.  There is a bracket for the safety flag that attaches to the rear wheel assembly although in such a way as to create a "crowded" situation where the axle meets the frame.  My haste in doing the second tire change would come back to haunt me.  More about that later.

Morning departure out of Wooster

Tom and I got separated early on by a long traffic light and, later, by a slight navigational error.  I did the balance of the ride with Chuck (MO). All in all, I have to say that the landscape of Ohio was a pleasant surprise: lakes, rivers, trees, rolling farm land.

Lazy little river running through town

Farmers making hay

Riding down a country road

Back to my rear wheel situation.  Chuck and I were riding down a quiet road when my front wheel hit a minor hole.  No big deal except the back of my bike rose up and I thought I was going over the bars.  The bike came back down and I was able to maintain control enough to come to a stop.  It turned out that the rear wheel assembly was not properly seated on the frame.  Fortunately, when the frame came back down it landed on the wheel axle.  Bottom Line: I was very lucky and won't make that mistake again.

Berlin Lake

We had a 3 mile stretch of construction that was a real challenge.  It was a two-lane road (of course) with our lane being covered with a thin layer of gravel.  Road bikes don't like gravel.  Tense situation.

Our SAG stop today was behind a restaurant.  The owner very kindly brought us out plates of fresh cinammon rolls and pancakes.

Darryl, the generous restauranteur

Near the end of the ride, we actually rode on, are you ready for this?, a bike trail!

Historical tidbit: Niles is the birthplace of William McKinley, 25th president of the United States.

Total Miles:  94                  Total Vertical Climb:  4600 ft.


  1. Don't they have Big O Tires in Niles? I have to compliment you on your DIY mechanics. In a few months I will have known you 40 years and I never would have guessed you had that talent. Last I remember in that regard was the wheel flying off your VW van and all of us scratching our heads as to whether we could walk out of the Sahara to save ourselves. You've come a long way, Mike. Always improving yourself. A role model. Jim J

  2. good thing you prepared yourself for the heat by training in florida,which is actually cooler now then ohio is.ohio looks a lot nicer where you are then it does driving down i-75. still hate it though.think i will have some cinnamon rolls and pancakes now as a tribute to your fortitude. stay safe steve

  3. Well, so much for Ohio being flat. Today is going to be another scorcher, so keep hydrated! Remember you are not the gymnast in the family. No more almost over the handle bar stunts. Steve beat me to the punch again...but 4:40 AM sounds like either late night at the movies or insomnia.
    Love you and be safe

  4. Hi Mike,

    I have been following and loving your blog the entire distance. Like watching an exercise video from the couch - LOL. Friday I registered for my first marathon (okay half marathon, but I am sure it is gonna feel like a full one.) When I came home to announce that I had signed up for a marathon the first thing my significant other said was "have you been reading that guy's blog again??" to that I have to say to you Mike- thanks for being THAT guy! :)

    Ride Forest! Ride!

  5. Sounds like you had quite a day brother. So glad you are o.k. Thank you so much for the piece on Rubbermaid. Fascinating! What can possibly be next to top that??? Enjoy your day off, you deserve it! Happy first day of summer! love, Annie

  6. Mike, I'm impressed! But I agree with Diana about staying on the bike and not doing a header over the bars. Would it have been so terrible to spend a few more moments on repairs and start in the second group? Oh, wait, I know, Mike don't eat nobody's road dust! Keep up the good work and stay safe. Love you, Lori

  7. Mike: My first road bike had metal clips that slid over a small button on the front forks and rear seat stays as a safeguard against the quick releases not being secured properly. My new bike, like yours, does not and I wondered why they engineered those out. Seems like they don't add much weight or wind resistance; certainly less than a safety flag. Perhaps adding the little button to carbon fiber is the issue.

    Oh well, all's well that ends well. Speaking of that, how's the "undercarriage"?
